UDF Development Guideline#


Although OpenMLDB provides over a hundred built-in functions for data scientists to perform data analysis and feature extraction, there are scenarios where these functions might not fully meet the requirements. To facilitate users in quickly and flexibly implementing specific feature computation needs, we have introduced support for user-defined functions (UDFs) based on C++ development. Additionally, we enable the loading of dynamically generated user-defined function libraries.

See also

Users can also extend OpenMLDB’s computation function library using the method of developing built-in functions. However, developing built-in functions requires modifying the source code and recompiling. If users wish to contribute extended functions to the OpenMLDB codebase, they can refer to Built-in Function Develop Guide.

Development Procedures#

Develop UDF functions#

Naming Convention of C++ Built-in Function#

  • The naming of C++ built-in function should follow the snake_case style.

  • The name should clearly express the function’s purpose.

  • The name of a function should not be the same as the name of a built-in function or other custom functions. The list of all built-in functions can be seen here.

C++ Type and SQL Type Correlation#

The types of the built-in C++ functions’ parameters should be BOOL, NUMBER, TIMESTAMP, DATE, or STRING. The SQL types corresponding to C++ types are shown as follows:

SQL Type

C/C++ Type



















Parameters and Return Values#

Return Value:

  • If the output type of the UDF is a basic type and return_nullable set to false, it will be processed as a return value.

  • If the output type of the UDF is a basic type and return_nullable set to true, it will be processed as a function parameter.

  • If the output type of the UDF is STRING, TIMESTAMP or DATE, it will return through the last parameter of the function.


  • If the parameter is a basic type, it will be passed by value.

  • If the output type of the UDF is STRING, TIMESTAMP or DATE, it will be passed by a pointer.

  • The first parameter must be UDFContext* ctx. The definition of UDFContext is:

    struct UDFContext {
        ByteMemoryPool* pool;  // Used for memory allocation.
        void* ptr;             // Used for the storage of temporary variables for aggregate functions.
  • If a parameter is declared as nullable, then all parameters are nullable. For each input parameter, a corresponding boolean parameter (usually named is_null) needs to be added after it. The order is arg1, arg1_is_null, arg2, arg2_is_null, .... The order of parameters cannot be arbitrarily changed.

  • If the return value is declared as nullable, it is returned through parameters, and a boolean parameter (usually named is_null) is added to indicate whether the return value is null.

For example, for a function sum with two parameters, if the parameters and return value are set as nullable, the single-line function prototype would be as follows:

extern "C"
void sum(::openmldb::base::UDFContext* ctx, int64_t input1, bool input1_is_null, int64_t input2, bool input2_is_null, int64_t* output, bool* is_null) {

Function Declaration:

  • The functions must be declared by extern “C”.

Memory Management#

  • In scalar functions, the use of new and malloc to allocate space for input and output parameters is not allowed. However, temporary space allocation using ‘new’ and ‘malloc’ is permissible within the function, and the allocated space must be freed before the function returns.

  • In aggregate functions, space allocation using ‘new’ or ‘malloc’ can be performed in the ‘init’ function but must be released in the ‘output’ function. The final return value, if it is a string, needs to be stored in the space allocated by mempool.

  • If dynamic memory allocation is required, OpenMLDB provides memory management interfaces. Upon function execution completion, OpenMLDB will automatically release the memory.

char *buffer = ctx->pool->Alloc(size);
  • The maximum size allocated at once cannot exceed 2M.

Scalar Function Implementation#

Scalar functions process individual data rows and return a single value, such as abs, sin, cos, date, year.

The process is as follows:

  1. The head file udf/openmldb_udf.h should be included.

  2. Develop the logic of the function.

#include "udf/openmldb_udf.h"  // must include this header file
// Develop a UDF that slices the first 2 characters of a given string. 
extern "C"
void cut2(::openmldb::base::UDFContext* ctx, ::openmldb::base::StringRef* input, ::openmldb::base::StringRef* output) {
    if (input == nullptr || output == nullptr) {
    uint32_t size = input->size_ <= 2 ? input->size_ : 2;
    //use ctx->pool for memory allocation
    char *buffer = ctx->pool->Alloc(size);
    memcpy(buffer, input->data_, size);
    output->size_ = size;
    output->data_ = buffer;

Since the return value is of type string, it needs to be returned through the last parameter of the function. If the return value is a primitive type, it would be returned through the function’s return value. You can refer to the strlength function in the test_udf.cc file for an example.

Aggregation Function Implementation#

Aggregate functions process a dataset (such as a column of data) and perform computations, returning a single value, such as sum, avg, max, min, count.

The process is as follows:

  1. The head file udf/openmldb_udf.h should be included.

  2. Develop the logic of the function.

To develop an aggregate function, you need to implement the following three C++ methods:

  • init function: Perform initialization tasks such as allocating space for intermediate variables. Function naming format: ‘aggregate_function_name_init’.

  • update function: Implement the logic for processing each row of the respective field in the update function. Function naming format: ‘aggregate_function_name_update’.

  • output function: Process the final aggregated value and return the result. Function naming format: ‘aggregate_function_name_output’.”

Note: Return UDFContext* as the return value in the init and update function.

#include "udf/openmldb_udf.h"  //must include this header file
// implementation of aggregation function special_sum

extern "C"
::openmldb::base::UDFContext* special_sum_init(::openmldb::base::UDFContext* ctx) {
    // allocate space for intermediate variables and assign to 'ptr' in UDFContext.
    ctx->ptr = ctx->pool->Alloc(sizeof(int64_t));
    // init the value
    *(reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(ctx->ptr)) = 10;
    // return pointer of UDFContext, cannot be omitted
    return ctx;

extern "C"
::openmldb::base::UDFContext* special_sum_update(::openmldb::base::UDFContext* ctx, int64_t input) {
    // get the value from ptr in UDFContext
    int64_t cur = *(reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(ctx->ptr));
    cur += input;
    *(reinterpret_cast<int*>(ctx->ptr)) = cur;
    // return the pointer of UDFContext, cannot be omitted
    return ctx;

// get the aggregation result from ptr in UDFcontext and return
extern "C"
int64_t special_sum_output(::openmldb::base::UDFContext* ctx) {
    return *(reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(ctx->ptr)) + 5;

// Get the third non-null value of all values
extern "C"
::openmldb::base::UDFContext* third_init(::openmldb::base::UDFContext* ctx) {
    ctx->ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(new std::vector<int64_t>());
    return ctx;

extern "C"
::openmldb::base::UDFContext* third_update(::openmldb::base::UDFContext* ctx, int64_t input, bool is_null) {
    auto vec = reinterpret_cast<std::vector<int64_t>*>(ctx->ptr);
    if (!is_null && vec->size() < 3) {
    return ctx;

extern "C"
void third_output(::openmldb::base::UDFContext* ctx, int64_t* output, bool* is_null) {
    auto vec = reinterpret_cast<std::vector<int64_t>*>(ctx->ptr);
    if (vec->size() != 3) {
        *is_null = true;
    } else {
        *is_null = false;
        *output = vec->at(2);
    // free the memory allocated in init function with new/malloc
    delete vec;

// Get the first non-null value >= threshold
extern "C"
::openmldb::base::UDFContext* first_ge_init(::openmldb::base::UDFContext* ctx) {
    // threshold init in update
    // threshold, thresh_flag, first_ge, first_ge_flag
    ctx->ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(new std::vector<int64_t>(4, 0));
    return ctx;

extern "C"
::openmldb::base::UDFContext* first_ge_update(::openmldb::base::UDFContext* ctx, int64_t input, bool is_null, int64_t threshold, bool threshold_is_null) {
    auto pair = reinterpret_cast<std::vector<int64_t>*>(ctx->ptr);
    if (!threshold_is_null && pair->at(1) == 0) {
        pair->at(0) = threshold;
        pair->at(1) = 1;
    if (!is_null && pair->at(3) == 0 && input >= pair->at(0)) {
        pair->at(2) = input;
        pair->at(3) = 1;
    return ctx;

extern "C"
void first_ge_output(::openmldb::base::UDFContext* ctx, int64_t* output, bool* is_null) {
    auto pair = reinterpret_cast<std::vector<int64_t>*>(ctx->ptr);
    // threshold is null or no value >= threshold
    if (pair->at(1) == 0 || pair->at(3) == 0) {
        *is_null = true;
    } else {
        *is_null = false;
        *output = pair->at(2);
    // *is_null = true;
    // free the memory allocated in init function with new/malloc
    delete pair;

As shown above, the initialization function (init function) for an aggregate function takes only a single parameter, regardless of the number of parameters for the aggregation function. In the update function, the number and types of parameters match those of the aggregation function. Similarly, if you want the aggregation function to support nullable parameters, a boolean parameter should be added for each parameter to indicate whether that parameter is null. The output function will have only one output parameter or return value, and the nullable property follows the same logic. For more UDF/UDAF implementations, you can refer to here.

Compile Dynamic Library#

  • Copy the include directory (https://github.com/4paradigm/OpenMLDB/tree/main/include) to a certain path (like /work/OpenMLDB/) for later compiling.

  • Run the compiling command. -I specifies the path of the include directory. -o specifies the name of the dynamic library.

g++ -shared -o libtest_udf.so examples/test_udf.cc -I /work/OpenMLDB/include -std=c++11 -fPIC

Copy Dynamic Library#

The compiled dynamic libraries should be copied into the udf directories for both TaskManager and tablets. Please create a new udf directory if it does not exist.

  • The udf directory of a tablet is path_to_tablet/udf.

  • The udf directory of TaskManager is path_to_taskmanager/taskmanager/bin/udf.

For example, if the deployment paths of a tablet and TaskManager are both /work/openmldb, the structure of the directory is shown below:

    ├── bin
    ├── conf
    ├── taskmanager
    │   ├── bin
    │   │   ├── taskmanager.sh
    │   │   └── udf
    │   │       └── libtest_udf.so
    │   ├── conf
    │   └── lib
    ├── tools
    └── udf
        └── libtest_udf.so


  • For multiple tablets, the library needs to be copied to every tablet.

  • Dynamic libraries should not be deleted before the execution of DROP FUNCTION.

Register, Drop and Show the Functions#

For registering, please use CREATE FUNCTION.

Register an scalar function, the cut2 function returns the first two characters of a string:


Register an aggregation function, the special_sum function initializes at 10, accumulates the input values, and finally adds 5 before returning (this is a demonstration function with no actual meaning):


Register an aggregate function where both input parameters and the return value support null, third function returns the third non-null value, returning null if there are fewer than three non-null values:



  • The types of parameters and return values must be consistent with the implementation of the code.

  • A UDF function can only work on one type. Please create multiple functions for multiple types.

  • FILE specifies the file name of the dynamic library. It is not necessary to include a path.

After successful registration, the function can be used.

SELECT cut2(c1) FROM t1;

You can view registered functions through SHOW FUNCTIONS.


Use the DROP FUNCTION to delete a registered function.



When multiple functions are registered in the same UDF shared object (so) file, deleting one function will not remove the entire .so file from the Tablet Server’s memory. In this situation, replacing the .so file is ineffective, and making changes to UDFs (adding or removing) at this point poses a potential risk to the Tablet Server’s operation.

Recommendation: Delete all UDFs first, then replace the UDF .so file.