Python SDK/Tool Development Guideline#

There are two modules in python/: Python SDK and an OpenMLDB diagnostic tool.


The Python SDK itself does not depend on the pytest and tox libraries used for testing. If you want to use the tests in the tests directory for testing, you can download the testing dependencies using the following method.

pip install 'openmldb[test]'
pip install 'dist/....whl[test]'

Testing Method#

Run the command make SQL_PYSDK_ENABLE=ON OPENMLDB_BUILD_TARGET=cp_python_sdk_so under the root directory and make sure the library in python/openmldb_sdk/openmldb/native/ was the latest native library. Testing typically requires connecting to an OpenMLDB cluster. If you haven’t started a cluster yet, or if you’ve made code changes to the service components, you’ll also need to compile the TARGET openmldb and start a onebox cluster. You can refer to the launch section of steps/ for guidance.

  1. Package installation test: Install the compiled whl, then run pytest tests/. You can use the script steps/ directly.

  2. Dynamic test: Make sure there isn’t OpenMLDB in pip or the compiled whl. Run pytest test/ in python/openmldb_sdk, thereby you can easily debug.

You can use the following commands for partial testing

cd python/openmldb_sdk
pytest tests/ -k '<keyword>'
pytest tests/<test_func>
pytest tests/<test_class>::<test_func>

See more about -k in keyword expressions.

Tool Testing#

Since the diagnosis tools need a password-free ssh, you need to register the local user’s ssh public key into the authorized_keys even in local testing (in which the local ssh is connected to local host).

For testing, please use:

cd python/openmldb_tool
pytest tests/

If the python log messages are required in all tests(even successful tests), please use:

pytest -so log_cli=true --log-cli-level=DEBUG tests/

You can also use the module mode for running tests, which is suitable for actual runtime testing.

python -m diagnostic_tool.diagnose ...


If you use conda, pytest may found the wrong python, then get errors like ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'IPython'. Please use python -m pytest.