The CREATE INDEX statement is used to create a new index on an existing table. Running CREATE INDEX initiates an asynchronous job, and you can check the status of the job by executing SHOW JOBS FROM NAMESERVER. Please note that the index is not available until the asynchronous task is completed, and any scenarios that require the new index will fail.


CreateIndexstmt ::=
    'CREATE' 'INDEX' IndexName ON TableName IndexColumn OptOptionsList

IndexName ::= Identifier

TableName ::=
    Identifier ('.' Identifier)?

IndexColumn ::=
    IndexColumnPrefix ")"

IndexColumnPrefix ::=
    "(" ColumnExpression
    | IndexColumnPrefix "," ColumnExpression

ColumnExpression ::=
OptOptionsList ::=
    "OPTIONS" OptionList

OptionList ::=
    OptionsListPrefix ")"

OptionsListPrefix ::=
    "(" OptionEntry
    | OptionsListPrefix "," OptionEntry

OptionEntry ::=
    Identifier "=" Identifier


CREATE INDEX index2 ON t5 (col2);


  1. If OPTIONS is not provided, the SQL with the created index cannot be deployed online, since the index doesn’t have TS (timestamp).

  2. The data type of TS column should be BigInt or Timestamp.

We can also set TS column as below:

CREATE INDEX index3 ON t5 (col3) OPTIONS (ts=ts1, ttl_type=absolute, ttl=30d);

Please refer here for more details about TTL and TTL_TYPE.