Composite data type#

MAP type#

Represents values comprising a set of key-value pairs.




-- construct map value with map builtin function, each parameter is 
-- key1, value1, key2, value2, ... respectively
select map (1, "12", 2, "100")
-- {1: "12", 2: "100"}

-- access map value with [] operator
select map (1, "12", 2, "100")[2]
-- "100"


  1. Generally not recommended to store a map value with too much key-value pairs, since it’s a row-based storage model.

  2. Map data type can not used as the key or ts column of table index, queries can not be optimized based on specific key value inside a map column neither.

  3. Query a key-value in a map takes O(n) complexity at most.

  4. Currently, it is not allowed to output a map type value from a SQL query, however you can access information about the map value using map-related expressions. For example, you may use [] operator over a map<int, int> type to extract value of specific key.