
Please refer to Contribution Guideline

Pull Request (PR) Guidelines#

When submitting a PR, please pay attention to the following points:

  • PR Title: Please adhere to the commit format for the PR title. Note that this refers to the PR title, not the commits within the PR.


If the title does not meet the standard, pr-linter / pr-name-lint (pull_request) will fail with a status of x.

  • PR Checks: There are various checks in a PR, and only codecov/patch and codecov/project may not pass. Other checks should pass. If other checks do not pass and you cannot fix them or believe they should not be fixed, you can leave a comment in the PR.

  • PR Description: Please explain the intent of the PR in the first comment of the PR. We provide a PR comment template, and while you are not required to follow it, ensure that there is sufficient explanation.

  • PR Files Changed: Pay attention to the files changed in the PR. Do not include code changes outside the scope of the PR intent. You can generally eliminate unnecessary diffs by using git merge origin/main followed by git push to the PR branch. If you need assistance, leave a comment in the PR.


If you are not modifying the code based on the main branch, when the PR intends to merge into the main branch, the files changed will include unnecessary code. For example, if the main branch is at commit 10, and you start from commit 9 of the old main, add new_commit1, and then add new_commit2 on top of new_commit1, you actually only want to submit new_commit2, but the PR will include new_commit1 and new_commit2. In this case, just use git merge origin/main and git push to the PR branch to only include the changes.

See also

If you want the branch code to be cleaner, you can avoid using git merge and use git rebase -i origin/main instead. It will add your changes one by one on top of the main branch. However, it will change the commit history, and you need git push -f to override the branch.

Compilation Guidelines#

For compilation details, refer to the Compilation Documentation. To avoid the impact of operating systems and tool versions, we recommend compiling OpenMLDB in a compilation image. Since compiling the entire OpenMLDB requires significant space, we recommend using OPENMLDB_BUILD_TARGET to specify only the parts you need.