WHERE Clause#

The Where clause is used to set filter conditions, and the query results will only contain data that meets the conditions


         ::= 'WHERE' Expression

SQL Statement Template#

SELECT select_expr [,select_expr...] FROM ... WHERE where_condition


For the standalone version, WHERE is supported in all conditions. For the cluster version, the execution modes which support this clause are shown below.

SELECT Statement Elements

Offline Mode

Online Preview Mode

Online Request Mode


WHERE Clause

The Where clause is used to set filter conditions, and only the data that meets the conditions will be included in the query result.


Simple Condition Filtering#

sql: SELECT COL1 FROM t1 where COL1 > 10;

Complex Conditions Filtering#

sql: SELECT COL1 FROM t1 where COL1 > 10 and COL2 = 20 or COL1 =0;