OpenMLDB supports single-row and multi-row insert statements.


INSERT [[OR] IGNORE] INFO tbl_name (column_list) VALUES (value_list) [, value_list ...]

    col_name [, col_name] ...

    value [, value] ...


  • By default, INSERT does not deduplicate records, whereas INSERT OR IGNORE allows ignoring data that already exists in the table, making it suitable for repeated attempts.

  • Offline execute mode only supports INSERT, not INSERT OR IGNORE.

  • INSERT statement in offline execute mode is unsupported on tables with symbolic path.In OpenMLDB, tables have two types of offline data addresses: Data path and Symbolic path, as detailed in Offline Import Rules. INSERT data in offline execute mode will be written to Data path and the writing format is in Parquet format. Since the data format of Symbolic path can be set freely, INSERT data may cause data format conflicts if the table has symbolic path. Therefore, INSERT statement in offline execute mode is unsupported on tables with symbolic paths currently.


-- insert a row into table with all columns
INSERT INTO t1 values(1, 2, 3.0, 4.0, "hello");

-- insert a row into table with given columns's values
INSERT INTO t1(COL1, COL2, COL5) values(1, 2, "hello");

-- insert multiple rows into table with all columns
INSERT INTO t1 values(1, 2, 3.0, 4.0, "hello"), (10, 20, 30.0, 40.0, "world");

-- insert multiple rows into table with given columns's values
INSERT INTO t1(COL1, COL2, COL5) values(1, 2, "hello"), (10, 20, "world");