Cluster vs. Standalone Versions#

1. Installation and Deployment#

The cluster version and the standalone version have their own deployment methods. For details, see Installation and Deployment Details. In summary, the main differences are:

  • The cluster version needs to install and deploy zookeeper

  • The cluster version needs to install task-manager

2. Usage#

2.1 Workflows#

Workflow of Cluster Version

Workflow of Standalone Version


Database and table creation

Database and table creation


Offline data preparation

Data preparation

The cluster version of OpenMLDB needs to prepare offline data and online data separately.
The standalone version can use the same data or prepare different data for offline and online feature extraction.

Offline feature extraction

Offline feature extraction


SQL deployment

SQL deployment


Online data preparation

Data preparation (optional)

The cluster version of OpenMLDB needs to prepare offline data and online data separately.
The standalone version can use the same data or prepare different data for offline and online feature extraction.

Online real-time feature extraction

Online real-time feature extraction


2.2 Execution Modes#

The cluster version supports the system variable execute_mode, which supports configuring the execution mode. In the cluster version, the offline and online execution modes correspond to the offline and online databases, respectively. For the standalone version, there is no such a concept of “execution mode”.

For the cluster verion, you can execute the below command in CLI to set the execution mode:

> SET @@execute_mode = "offline" | "online"

2.3 Offline Task Management#

Offline task management is a unique feature of the cluster version.

The LOAD DATA and SELECT INTO command are blocking in the standalone version. However, the cluster version submits a task for those commands, and provides the commands SHOW JOBS and SHOW JOB to investigate the status of offline tasks. For details, see Offline Task Management.

2.4 SQL Functionalities#

The differences in SQL query capabilities supported by the cluster version and the standalone version include:

  • Offline task management statement

    • Standalone version of OpenMLDB does not support

    • The cluster version of OpenMLDB supports offline task management statements, including: SHOW JOBS, SHOW JOB, etc.

  • Execution mode

    • The Standalone version of OpenMLDB does not support setting execution mode.

    • Clustered OpenMLDB can configure the execution mode: SET @@execute_mode = ...

  • Use of CREAT TABLEcreate table statement

    • The standalone version of OpenMLDB does not support configuring distributed properties

    • Cluster version of OpenMLDB supports configuring distributed properties: including REPLICANUM, DISTRIBUTION, PARTITIONNUM

  • Use of the SELECT INTO statement

    • The output of SELECT INTO in the standalone version is a file.

    • The output of SELECT INTO in the cluster version is a directory.

  • In the online execution mode of the cluster version, only simple single-table query statements are supported:

    • Only supports column, expression, and single-row processing functions (Scalar Function) and their combined expression operations

    • A single table query does not contain GROUP BY clause, HAVING clause and [WINDOW subclause] sentence](…/reference/sql/dql/

    • A single table query only involves the computation on a single table, but no JOIN based multiple table computation.

2.5 SDK Support#

Currently, the Python and Java SDKs of OpenMLDB only support the cluster version, and the next version v0.5.0 will plan to support both the cluster and standalone versions.