Python SDK Quickstart#

Notice, The Python SDK currently only supports the cluster version, and the stand-alone version will be planned to be supported in the next version v0.5.0.

1. Install the OpenMLDB Python package#

Install using pip.

pip install openmldb

2. Using OpenMLDB DBAPI#

2.1 Create connection#

Here database name is not required to exist. If it does not exist, you need to create the database after the connection is created.

import openmldb.dbapi

db = openmldb.dbapi.connect("db1", "$zkcluster", "$zkpath")

cursor = db.cursor()

2.2 Create database#

cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE db1")

2.3 Create table#

cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE t1 (col1 bigint, col2 date, col3 string, col4 string, col5 int, index(key=col3, ts=col1))")

2.4 Insert data to table#

cursor.execute("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1000, '2020-12-25', 'guangdon', 'shenzhen', 1)")

2.5 Execute SQL query#

result = cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM t1")

2.6 Delete table#

cursor.execute("DROP TABLE t1")

2.7 Delete database#

cursor.execute("DROP DATABASE db1")

2.8 Close the connection#


3. Using OpenMLDB SQLAlchemy#

3.1 Create connection#

create_engine('openmldb:///db_name?zk=zkcluster&zkPath=zkpath') Here db_name is not required to exist. If it does not exist, you need to create the database after the connection is created.

import sqlalchemy as db

engine = db.create_engine('openmldb:///db1?zk=')

connection = engine.connect()

3.2 Create database#

Create a database using the connection.execute() interface:

    connection.execute("CREATE DATABASE db1");
except Exception as e:

3.3 Create table#

Create a table using the connection.execute() interface:

    connection.execute("CREATE TABLE t1 ( col1 bigint, col2 date, col3 string, col4 string, col5 int, index(key=col3, ts=col1))")
except Exception as e:

3.4 Insert data into the table#

Use the connection.execute(ddl) interface to execute the SQL insert statement to insert data to the table:

    connection.execute("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1000, '2020-12-25', 'guangdon', 'shenzhen', 1);")
except Exception as e:

Use the connection.execute(ddl, data) interface to execute the insert statement of SQL with the planceholder, and the inserted data can be dynamically specified:

    insert = "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1002, '2020-12-27', ?, ?, 3);"
    connection.execute(insert, ({"col3":"fujian", "col4":"fuzhou"}))
except Exception as e:

3.5 Execute SQL batch query#

Use the connection.execute(sql) interface to execute SQL batch query statements:

    rs = connection.execute("SELECT * FROM t1");
    for row in rs:
    rs = connection.execute("SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE col3 = ?;", ('hefei'))
except Exception as e:

3.6 Execute SQL on-demand queries#

Use connection.execute(sql, request) interface to execute SQL batch query statement: request query, you can put the input data in the second parameter of execute

   rs = connection.execute("SELECT * FROM t1", ({"col1":9999, "col2":'2020-12-27', "col3":'zhejiang', "col4":'hangzhou', " col5":100}));
except Exception as e:

3.7 Delete table#

Use the connection.execute(ddl) interface to delete a table:

    connection.execute("DROP TABLE t1")
except Exception as e:

3.8 Delete database#

Use the connection.execute(ddl) interface to delete a database:

    connection.execute("DROP DATABASE db1")
except Exception as e:

4. Using Notebook Magic Function#

OpenMLDB Python SDK supports Notebook magic function extension, use the following statement to register the function.

import openmldb

db = openmldb.dbapi.connect('demo_db','','/openmldb')


The line magic function %sql and block magic function %%sql can then be used in Notebook.