# REST APIs ## 重要信息 - REST APIs 通过 APIServer 和 OpenMLDB 的服务进行交互,因此 APIServer 模块必须被正确部署才能有效使用。APISever 在安装部署时是可选模块,参照 [APIServer 部署文档](../deploy/install_deploy.md#部署-APIServer)。 - 现阶段,APIServer 主要用来做功能测试使用,并不推荐用来测试性能,也不推荐在生产环境使用。APIServer 的默认部署目前并没有高可用机制,并且引入了额外的网络和编解码开销。 ## 数据插入 reqeust url: http://ip:port/dbs/{db_name}/tables/{table_name} http method: PUT request body: ``` { "value": [ [v1, v2, v3] ] } ``` + 目前仅支持一条插入,不可以插入多条数据。 + 数据需严格按照 schema 排列。 **数据插入举例** ``` curl -X PUT -d '{ "value": [ ["bb",24,34,1.5,2.5,1590738994000,"2020-05-05"] ]}' ``` response: ``` { "code":0, "msg":"ok" } ``` ## 实时特征计算 reqeust url: http://ip:port/dbs/{db_name}/deployments/{deployment_name} http method: POST request body: - array style ```json { "input": [["row0_value0", "row0_value1", "row0_value2"], ["row1_value0", "row1_value1", "row1_value2"], ...], "need_schema": false } ``` - json style ```json { "input": [ {"col0":"row0_value0", "col1":"row0_value1", "col2":"row0_value2", "foo": "bar"}, {"col0":"row1_value0", "col1":"row1_value1", "col2":"row1_value2"}, ... ] } ``` + 可以支持多行,其结果与返回的 response 中的 data.data 字段的数组一一对应。 + need_schema 可以设置为 true, 返回就会有输出结果的 schema。可选参数,默认为 false。 + input为array style时返回结果也是array style,input为json style则是返回json style的结果。一次request请求的input只支持一种格式,请不要混合格式。 + json style的input数据可以有多余列。 **实时特征计算举例** - array style ``` curl -X POST -d'{ "input": [["aaa", 11, 22, 1.2, 1.3, 1635247427000, "2021-05-20"]] }' ``` response: ```json { "code":0, "msg":"ok", "data":{ "data":[["aaa",11,22]] } } ``` - json style ``` curl -X POST -d'{ "input": [{"c1":"aaa", "c2":11, "c3":22, "c4":1.2, "c5":1.3, "c6":1635247427000, "c7":"2021-05-20", "foo":"bar"}] }' ``` response: ```json { "code":0, "msg":"ok", "data":{ "data":[{"c1":"aaa","c2":11,"w1_c3_sum":22}] } } ``` ## 查询 The request URL: http://ip:port/dbs/{db_name} HTTP method: POST request body: ```json { "mode": "", "sql": "", "input": { "schema": [], "data": [] } } ``` - "mode"可配: "offsync", "offasync", "online" - "input"是可选参数 - "schema"可支持数据类型(大小写不敏感): `Bool`, `Int16`, `Int32`, `Int64`, `Float`, `Double`, `String`, `Date` and `Timestamp`. **查询举例** - 普通查询: ```json { "mode": "online", "sql": "select 1" } ``` The response: ```json { "code":0, "msg":"ok", "data": { "schema":["Int32"], "data":[[1]] } } ``` - 参数化查询: ```json { "mode": "online", "sql": "SELECT c1, c2, c3 FROM demo WHERE c1 = ? AND c2 = ?", "input": { "schema": ["Int32", "String"], "data": [1, "aaa"] } } ``` The response: ```json { "code":0, "msg":"ok", "data": { "schema": ["Int32", "String", "Float"], "data": [[1, "aaa", 1.2], [1, "aaa", 3.4]] } } ``` ## 查询Deployment信息 The request URL: http://ip:port/dbs/{db_name}/deployments/{deployment_name} HTTP method: Get The response: ```json { "code": 0, "msg": "ok", "data": { "name": "", "procedure": "", "input_schema": [ ], "input_common_cols": [ ], "output_schema": [ ], "output_common_cols": [ ], "dbs": [ ], "tables": [ ] } } ``` ## 获取所有库名 The request URL: http://ip:port/dbs HTTP method: Get The response: ```json { "code": 0, "msg": "ok", "dbs": [ ] } ``` ## 获取所有表名 The request URL: http://ip:port/dbs/{db}/tables HTTP method: Get The response: ```json { "code": 0, "msg": "ok", "tables": [ { "name": "", "table_partition_size": 8, "tid": , "partition_num": 8, "replica_num": 2, "column_desc": [ { "name": "", "data_type": "", "not_null": false } ], "column_key": [ { "index_name": "", "col_name": [ ], "ttl": { } } ], "added_column_desc": [ ], "format_version": 1, "db": "", "partition_key": [ ], "schema_versions": [ ] } ] } ``` ## 刷新 APIServer 元数据缓存 The request URL: http://ip:port/refresh HTTP method: POST Empty request body. The response: ```json { "code":0, "msg":"ok" } ```