## Built-in Functions ### function abs ```cpp abs() ``` **Description**: Return the absolute value of expr. **Parameters**: * **expr** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT ABS(-32); -- output 32 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`] * [`number`] ### function acos ```cpp acos() ``` **Description**: Return the arc cosine of expr. **Parameters**: * **expr** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT ACOS(1); -- output 0 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`number`] ### function add ```cpp add() ``` **Description**: Compute sum of two arguments. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select add(1, 2); -- output 3 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`, `bool`] * [`bool`, `number`] * [`bool`, `timestamp`] * [`int16`, `timestamp`] * [`int32`, `timestamp`] * [`int64`, `timestamp`] * [`number`, `bool`] * [`number`, `number`] * [`timestamp`, `bool`] * [`timestamp`, `int16`] * [`timestamp`, `int32`] * [`timestamp`, `int64`] * [`timestamp`, `timestamp`] ### function asin ```cpp asin() ``` **Description**: Return the arc sine of expr. **Parameters**: * **expr** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT ASIN(0.0); -- output 0.000000 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`number`] ### function at ```cpp at() ``` **Description**: Returns value evaluated at the row that is offset rows before the current row within the partition. Offset is evaluated with respect to the current row. **Parameters**: * **offset** The number of rows forwarded from the current row, must not negative Example: | c1 | c2 | | -------- | -------- | | 0 | 1 | | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 2 | | 4 | 2 | ```sql SELECT at(c1, 1) as co OVER w from t1 window (order by c1 partition by c2); -- output -- | co | -- |----| -- |NULL| -- |0 | -- |NULL| -- |2 | -- |3 | ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `int64`] * [`list`, `int64`] * [`list`, `int64`] * [`list`, `int64`] * [`list`, `int64`] ### function atan ```cpp atan() ``` **Description**: Return the arc tangent of expr If called with one parameter, this function returns the arc tangent of expr. If called with two parameters X and Y, this function returns the arc tangent of Y / X. **Parameters**: * **X** * **Y** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT ATAN(-0.0); -- output -0.000000 SELECT ATAN(0, -0); -- output 3.141593 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`, `bool`] * [`bool`, `number`] * [`number`] * [`number`, `bool`] * [`number`, `number`] ### function atan2 ```cpp atan2() ``` **Description**: Return the arc tangent of Y / X.. **Parameters**: * **X** * **Y** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT ATAN2(0, -0); -- output 3.141593 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`, `bool`] * [`bool`, `number`] * [`number`, `bool`] * [`number`, `number`] ### function avg ```cpp avg() ``` **Description**: Compute average of values. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: | value | | -------- | | 0 | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | ```sql SELECT avg(value) OVER w; -- output 2 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`] ### function avg_cate ```cpp avg_cate() ``` **Description**: Compute average of values grouped by category key and output string. Each group is represented as 'K:V' and separated by comma in outputs and are sorted by key in ascend order. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **catagory** Specify catagory column to group by. Example: | value | catagory | | -------- | -------- | | 0 | x | | 1 | y | | 2 | x | | 3 | y | | 4 | x | ```sql SELECT avg_cate(value, catagory) OVER w; -- output "x:2,y:2" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] ### function avg_cate_where ```cpp avg_cate_where() ``` **Description**: Compute average of values matching specified condition grouped by category key and output string. Each group is represented as 'K:V' and separated by comma in outputs and are sorted by key in ascend order. **Parameters**: * **catagory** Specify catagory column to group by. * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **condition** Specify condition column. Example: | value | condition | catagory | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 0 | true | x | | 1 | false | y | | 2 | false | x | | 3 | true | y | | 4 | true | x | ```sql SELECT avg_cate_where(catagory, value, condition) OVER w; -- output "x:2,y:3" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] ### function avg_where ```cpp avg_where() ``` **Description**: Compute average of values match specified condition. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **condition** Specify condition column. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: | value | | -------- | | 0 | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | ```sql SELECT avg_where(value, value > 2) OVER w; -- output 3.5 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`] ### function bool ```cpp bool() ``` **Description**: Cast string expression to bool. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select bool("true"); -- output true ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`] ### function ceil ```cpp ceil() ``` **Description**: Return the smallest integer value not less than the expr. **Parameters**: * **expr** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT CEIL(1.23); -- output 2 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`] * [`number`] ### function ceiling ```cpp ceiling() ``` **Description**: Return the smallest integer value not less than the expr. **Parameters**: * **expr** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT CEIL(1.23); -- output 2 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`] * [`number`] ### function char ```cpp char() ``` **Description**: Returns the ASCII character having the binary equivalent to expr. If n >= 256 the result is equivalent to char(n % 256). **Since**: 0.6.0 Example: ```sql SELECT char(65); --output "A" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`int32`] ### function char_length ```cpp char_length() ``` **Description**: Returns the length of the string. It is measured in characters and multibyte character string is not supported. **Since**: 0.6.0 Example: ```sql SELECT CHAR_LENGTH('Spark SQL '); --output 10 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`] ### function character_length ```cpp character_length() ``` **Description**: Returns the length of the string. It is measured in characters and multibyte character string is not supported. **Since**: 0.6.0 Example: ```sql SELECT CHAR_LENGTH('Spark SQL '); --output 10 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`] ### function concat ```cpp concat() ``` **Description**: This function returns a string resulting from the joining of two or more string values in an end-to-end manner. (To add a separating value during joining, see concat_ws.) **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select concat("1", 2, 3, 4, 5.6, 7.8, Timestamp(1590115420000L)); -- output "12345.67.82020-05-22 10:43:40" ``` **Supported Types**: * [...] ### function concat_ws ```cpp concat_ws() ``` **Description**: Returns a string resulting from the joining of two or more string value in an end-to-end manner. It separates those concatenated string values with the delimiter specified in the first function argument. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select concat("-", "1", 2, 3, 4, 5.6, 7.8, Timestamp(1590115420000L)); -- output "1-2-3-4-5.6-7.8-2020-05-22 10:43:40" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`, ...] * [`date`, ...] * [`number`, ...] * [`string`, ...] * [`timestamp`, ...] ### function cos ```cpp cos() ``` **Description**: Return the cosine of expr. **Parameters**: * **expr** It is a single argument in radians. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT COS(0); -- output 1.000000 ``` * The value returned by [cos()](/reference/sql/functions_and_operators/Files/udfs_8h.md#function-cos) is always in the range: -1 to 1. **Supported Types**: * [`number`] ### function cot ```cpp cot() ``` **Description**: Return the cotangent of expr. **Parameters**: * **expr** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT COT(1); -- output 0.6420926159343306 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`number`] ### function count ```cpp count() ``` **Description**: Compute number of values. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: | value | | -------- | | 0 | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | ```sql SELECT count(value) OVER w; -- output 5 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`] * [`list`] * [`list`] * [`list`] * [`list`] * [`list`] ### function count_cate ```cpp count_cate() ``` **Description**: Compute count of values grouped by category key and output string. Each group is represented as 'K:V' and separated by comma in outputs and are sorted by key in ascend order. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **catagory** Specify catagory column to group by. Example: | value | catagory | | -------- | -------- | | 0 | x | | 1 | y | | 2 | x | | 3 | y | | 4 | x | ```sql SELECT count_cate(value, catagory) OVER w; -- output "x:3,y:2" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] ### function count_cate_where ```cpp count_cate_where() ``` **Description**: Compute count of values matching specified condition grouped by category key and output string. Each group is represented as 'K:V' and separated by comma in outputs and are sorted by key in ascend order. **Parameters**: * **catagory** Specify catagory column to group by. * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **condition** Specify condition column. Example: | value | condition | catagory | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 0 | true | x | | 1 | false | y | | 2 | false | x | | 3 | true | y | | 4 | true | x | ```sql SELECT count_cate_where(catagory, value, condition) OVER w; -- output "x:2,y:1" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] ### function count_where ```cpp count_where() ``` **Description**: Compute number of values match specified condition. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **condition** Specify condition column. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: | value | | -------- | | 0 | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | ```sql SELECT count_where(value, value > 2) OVER w; -- output 2 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] ### function date ```cpp date() ``` **Description**: Cast timestamp or string expression to date. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select date(timestamp(1590115420000)); -- output 2020-05-22 select date("2020-05-22"); -- output 2020-05-22 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`] * [`timestamp`] ### function date_format ```cpp date_format() ``` **Description**: Formats the datetime value according to the format string. Example: ```sql select date_format(timestamp(1590115420000),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); --output "2020-05-22 10:43:40" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`date`, `string`] * [`timestamp`, `string`] ### function day ```cpp day() ``` **Description**: Return the day of the month for a timestamp or date. **Since**: 0.1.0 Note: This function equals the `[day()](/reference/sql/functions_and_operators/Files/udfs_8h.md#function-day)` function. Example: ```sql select dayofmonth(timestamp(1590115420000)); -- output 22 select day(timestamp(1590115420000)); -- output 22 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`date`] * [`int64`] * [`timestamp`] ### function dayofmonth ```cpp dayofmonth() ``` **Description**: Return the day of the month for a timestamp or date. **Since**: 0.1.0 Note: This function equals the `[day()](/reference/sql/functions_and_operators/Files/udfs_8h.md#function-day)` function. Example: ```sql select dayofmonth(timestamp(1590115420000)); -- output 22 select day(timestamp(1590115420000)); -- output 22 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`date`] * [`int64`] * [`timestamp`] ### function dayofweek ```cpp dayofweek() ``` **Description**: Return the day of week for a timestamp or date. **Since**: 0.4.0 Note: This function equals the `[week()](/reference/sql/functions_and_operators/Files/udfs_8h.md#function-week)` function. Example: ```sql select dayofweek(timestamp(1590115420000)); -- output 6 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`date`] * [`int64`] * [`timestamp`] ### function dayofyear ```cpp dayofyear() ``` **Description**: Return the day of year for a timestamp or date. Returns 0 given an invalid date. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select dayofyear(timestamp(1590115420000)); -- output 143 select dayofyear(1590115420000); -- output 143 select dayofyear(date("2020-05-22")); -- output 143 select dayofyear(date("2020-05-32")); -- output 0 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`date`] * [`int64`] * [`timestamp`] ### function degrees ```cpp degrees() ``` **Description**: Convert radians to degrees. **Parameters**: * **expr** **Since**: 0.5.0 Example: ```sql SELECT degrees(3.141592653589793); -- output 180.0 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`double`] ### function distinct_count ```cpp distinct_count() ``` **Description**: Compute number of distinct values. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: | value | | -------- | | 0 | | 0 | | 2 | | 2 | | 4 | ```sql SELECT distinct_count(value) OVER w; -- output 3 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`] * [`list`] * [`list`] * [`list`] * [`list`] ### function double ```cpp double() ``` **Description**: Cast string expression to double. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select double("1.23"); -- output 1.23 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`] ### function exp ```cpp exp() ``` **Description**: Return the value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the power of expr. **Parameters**: * **expr** **Since**: 0.1.0 ```sql SELECT EXP(0); -- output 1 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`number`] ### function first_value ```cpp first_value() ``` **Description**: Returns the value of expr from the first row of the window frame. ``` @since 0.1.0 ``` **Supported Types**: ### function float ```cpp float() ``` **Description**: Cast string expression to float. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select float("1.23"); -- output 1.23 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`] ### function floor ```cpp floor() ``` **Description**: Return the largest integer value not less than the expr. **Parameters**: * **expr** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT FLOOR(1.23); -- output 1 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`] * [`number`] ### function fz_join ```cpp fz_join() ``` **Description**: Used by feature zero, for each string value from specified column of window, join by delimeter. Null values are skipped. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select fz_join(fz_split("k1:v1,k2:v2", ","), " "); -- "k1:v1 k2:v2" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `string`] ### function fz_split ```cpp fz_split() ``` **Description**: Used by feature zero, split string to list by delimeter. Null values are skipped. **Since**: 0.1.0 **Supported Types**: * [`string`, `string`] ### function fz_split_by_key ```cpp fz_split_by_key() ``` **Description**: Used by feature zero, split string by delimeter and then split each segment as kv pair, then add each key to output list. Null and illegal segments are skipped. **Since**: 0.1.0 **Supported Types**: * [`string`, `string`, `string`] ### function fz_split_by_value ```cpp fz_split_by_value() ``` **Description**: Used by feature zero, split string by delimeter and then split each segment as kv pair, then add each value to output list. Null and illegal segments are skipped. **Since**: 0.1.0 **Supported Types**: * [`string`, `string`, `string`] ### function fz_top1_ratio ```cpp fz_top1_ratio() ``` **Description**: Compute the top1 key's ratio. ``` @since 0.1.0 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`] * [`list`] * [`list`] * [`list`] ### function fz_topn_frequency ```cpp fz_topn_frequency() ``` **Description**: Return the topN keys sorted by their frequency. ``` @since 0.1.0 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] ### function fz_window_split ```cpp fz_window_split() ``` **Description**: Used by feature zero, for each string value from specified column of window, split by delimeter and add segment to output list. Null values are skipped. **Since**: 0.1.0 **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`] ### function fz_window_split_by_key ```cpp fz_window_split_by_key() ``` **Description**: Used by feature zero, for each string value from specified column of window, split by delimeter and then split each segment as kv pair, then add each key to output list. Null and illegal segments are skipped. **Since**: 0.1.0 **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`, `list`] ### function fz_window_split_by_value ```cpp fz_window_split_by_value() ``` **Description**: Used by feature zero, for each string value from specified column of window, split by delimeter and then split each segment as kv pair, then add each value to output list. Null and illegal segments are skipped. **Since**: 0.1.0 **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`, `list`] ### function hour ```cpp hour() ``` **Description**: Return the hour for a timestamp. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select hour(timestamp(1590115420000)); -- output 10 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`int64`] * [`timestamp`] ### function identity ```cpp identity() ``` **Description**: Return value. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select identity(1); -- output 1 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`] * [`date`] * [`number`] * [`string`] * [`timestamp`] ### function if_null ```cpp if_null() ``` **Description**: If input is not null, return input value; else return default value. **Parameters**: * **input** Input value * **default** Default value if input is null **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT if_null("hello", "default"), if_null(NULL, "default"); -- output ["hello", "default"] ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`, `bool`] * [`date`, `date`] * [`double`, `double`] * [`float`, `float`] * [`int16`, `int16`] * [`int32`, `int32`] * [`int64`, `int64`] * [`string`, `string`] * [`timestamp`, `timestamp`] ### function ifnull ```cpp ifnull() ``` **Description**: If input is not null, return input value; else return default value. **Parameters**: * **input** Input value * **default** Default value if input is null **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT if_null("hello", "default"), if_null(NULL, "default"); -- output ["hello", "default"] ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`, `bool`] * [`date`, `date`] * [`double`, `double`] * [`float`, `float`] * [`int16`, `int16`] * [`int32`, `int32`] * [`int64`, `int64`] * [`string`, `string`] * [`timestamp`, `timestamp`] ### function ilike_match ```cpp ilike_match() ``` **Description**: pattern match same as ILIKE predicate **Parameters**: * **target** string to match * **pattern** the glob match pattern * **escape** escape character **Since**: 0.4.0 Rules: 1. Special characters: * underscore(_): exact one character * precent(%): zero or more characters. 2. Escape character: * backslash() is the default escape character * length of must <= 1 * if is empty, escape feautre is disabled 3. case insensitive 4. backslash: sql string literal use backslash() for escape sequences, write '\' as backslash itself 5. if one or more of target, pattern and escape are null values, then the result is null Example: ```sql select ilike_match('Mike', 'mi_e', '\\') -- output: true select ilike_match('Mike', 'mi\\_e', '\\') -- output: false select ilike_match('Mi_e', 'mi\\_e', '\\') -- output: true select ilike_match('Mi\\ke', 'mi\\_e', '') -- output: true select ilike_match('Mi\\ke', 'mi\\_e', string(null)) -- output: null ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`, `string`] * [`string`, `string`, `string`] ### function inc ```cpp inc() ``` **Description**: Return expression + 1. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select inc(1); -- output 2 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`number`] ### function int16 ```cpp int16() ``` **Description**: Cast string expression to int16. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select int16("123"); -- output 123 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`] ### function int32 ```cpp int32() ``` **Description**: Cast string expression to int32. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select int32("12345"); -- output 12345 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`] ### function int64 ```cpp int64() ``` **Description**: Cast string expression to int64. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select int64("1590115420000"); -- output 1590115420000 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`] ### function is_null ```cpp is_null() ``` **Description**: Check if input value is null, return bool. **Parameters**: * **input** Input value **Since**: 0.1.0 **Supported Types**: * [`bool`] * [`date`] * [`number`] * [`string`] * [`timestamp`] ### function isnull ```cpp isnull() ``` **Description**: Check if input value is null, return bool. **Parameters**: * **input** Input value **Since**: 0.1.0 **Supported Types**: * [`bool`] * [`date`] * [`number`] * [`string`] * [`timestamp`] ### function lag ```cpp lag() ``` **Description**: Returns value evaluated at the row that is offset rows before the current row within the partition. Offset is evaluated with respect to the current row. **Parameters**: * **offset** The number of rows forwarded from the current row, must not negative Example: | c1 | c2 | | -------- | -------- | | 0 | 1 | | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 2 | | 4 | 2 | ```sql SELECT at(c1, 1) as co OVER w from t1 window (order by c1 partition by c2); -- output -- | co | -- |----| -- |NULL| -- |0 | -- |NULL| -- |2 | -- |3 | ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `int64`] * [`list`, `int64`] * [`list`, `int64`] * [`list`, `int64`] * [`list`, `int64`] ### function lcase ```cpp lcase() ``` **Description**: Convert all the characters to lowercase. Note that characters with values > 127 are simply returned. **Since**: 0.5.0 Example: ```sql SELECT LCASE('SQl') as str1; --output "sql" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`] ### function like_match ```cpp like_match() ``` **Description**: pattern match same as LIKE predicate **Parameters**: * **target** string to match * **pattern** the glob match pattern * **escape** escape character **Since**: 0.4.0 Rules: 1. Special characters: * underscore(_): exact one character * precent(%): zero or more characters. 2. Escape character: * backslash() is the default escape character * length of must <= 1 * if is empty, escape feature is disabled 3. case sensitive 4. backslash: sql string literal use backslash() for escape sequences, write '\' as backslash itself 5. if one or more of target, pattern and escape are null values, then the result is null Example: ```sql select like_match('Mike', 'Mi_e', '\\') -- output: true select like_match('Mike', 'Mi\\_e', '\\') -- output: false select like_match('Mi_e', 'Mi\\_e', '\\') -- output: true select like_match('Mi\\ke', 'Mi\\_e', '') -- output: true select like_match('Mi\\ke', 'Mi\\_e', string(null)) -- output: null ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`, `string`] * [`string`, `string`, `string`] ### function ln ```cpp ln() ``` **Description**: Return the natural logarithm of expr. **Parameters**: * **expr** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT LN(1); -- output 0.000000 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`] * [`number`] ### function log ```cpp log() ``` **Description**: log(base, expr) If called with one parameter, this function returns the natural logarithm of expr. If called with two parameters, this function returns the logarithm of expr to the base. **Parameters**: * **base** * **expr** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT LOG(1); -- output 0.000000 SELECT LOG(10,100); -- output 2 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`] * [`bool`, `bool`] * [`bool`, `date`] * [`bool`, `number`] * [`bool`, `string`] * [`bool`, `timestamp`] * [`number`] * [`number`, `bool`] * [`number`, `date`] * [`number`, `number`] * [`number`, `string`] * [`number`, `timestamp`] ### function log10 ```cpp log10() ``` **Description**: Return the base-10 logarithm of expr. **Parameters**: * **expr** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT LOG10(100); -- output 2 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`] * [`number`] ### function log2 ```cpp log2() ``` **Description**: Return the base-2 logarithm of expr. **Parameters**: * **expr** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT LOG2(65536); -- output 16 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`] * [`number`] ### function lower ```cpp lower() ``` **Description**: Convert all the characters to lowercase. Note that characters with values > 127 are simply returned. **Since**: 0.5.0 Example: ```sql SELECT LCASE('SQl') as str1; --output "sql" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`] ### function make_tuple ```cpp make_tuple() ``` **Description**: **Supported Types**: * [...] ### function max ```cpp max() ``` **Description**: Compute maximum of values. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: | value | | -------- | | 0 | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | ```sql SELECT max(value) OVER w; -- output 4 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`] * [`list`] * [`list`] * [`list`] ### function max_cate ```cpp max_cate() ``` **Description**: Compute maximum of values grouped by category key and output string. Each group is represented as 'K:V' and separated by comma in outputs and are sorted by key in ascend order. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **catagory** Specify catagory column to group by. Example: | value | catagory | | -------- | -------- | | 0 | x | | 1 | y | | 2 | x | | 3 | y | | 4 | x | ```sql SELECT max_cate(value, catagory) OVER w; -- output "x:4,y:3" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] ### function max_cate_where ```cpp max_cate_where() ``` **Description**: Compute maximum of values matching specified condition grouped by category key and output string. Each group is represented as 'K:V' and separated by comma in outputs and are sorted by key in ascend order. **Parameters**: * **catagory** Specify catagory column to group by. * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **condition** Specify condition column. Example: | value | condition | catagory | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 0 | true | x | | 1 | false | y | | 2 | false | x | | 3 | true | y | | 4 | true | x | ```sql SELECT max_cate_where(catagory, value, condition) OVER w; -- output "x:4,y:3" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] ### function max_where ```cpp max_where() ``` **Description**: Compute maximum of values match specified condition. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **condition** Specify condition column. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: | value | | -------- | | 0 | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | ```sql SELECT max_where(value, value <= 2) OVER w; -- output 2 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`] ### function maximum ```cpp maximum() ``` **Description**: Compute maximum of two arguments. **Since**: 0.1.0 **Supported Types**: * [`bool`, `bool`] * [`date`, `date`] * [`double`, `double`] * [`float`, `float`] * [`int16`, `int16`] * [`int32`, `int32`] * [`int64`, `int64`] * [`string`, `string`] * [`timestamp`, `timestamp`] ### function min ```cpp min() ``` **Description**: Compute minimum of values. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: | value | | -------- | | 0 | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | ```sql SELECT min(value) OVER w; -- output 0 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`] * [`list`] * [`list`] * [`list`] ### function min_cate ```cpp min_cate() ``` **Description**: Compute minimum of values grouped by category key and output string. Each group is represented as 'K:V' and separated by comma in outputs and are sorted by key in ascend order. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **catagory** Specify catagory column to group by. Example: | value | catagory | | -------- | -------- | | 0 | x | | 1 | y | | 2 | x | | 3 | y | | 4 | x | ```sql SELECT min_cate(value, catagory) OVER w; -- output "x:0,y:1" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] ### function min_cate_where ```cpp min_cate_where() ``` **Description**: Compute minimum of values matching specified condition grouped by category key and output string. Each group is represented as 'K:V' and separated by comma in outputs and are sorted by key in ascend order. **Parameters**: * **catagory** Specify catagory column to group by. * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **condition** Specify condition column. Example: | value | condition | catagory | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 0 | true | x | | 1 | false | y | | 2 | false | x | | 1 | true | y | | 4 | true | x | | 3 | true | y | ```sql SELECT min_cate_where(catagory, value, condition) OVER w; -- output "x:0,y:1" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] ### function min_where ```cpp min_where() ``` **Description**: Compute minimum of values match specified condition. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **condition** Specify condition column. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: | value | | -------- | | 0 | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | ```sql SELECT min_where(value, value > 2) OVER w; -- output 3 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`] ### function minimum ```cpp minimum() ``` **Description**: Compute minimum of two arguments. **Since**: 0.1.0 **Supported Types**: * [`bool`, `bool`] * [`date`, `date`] * [`double`, `double`] * [`float`, `float`] * [`int16`, `int16`] * [`int32`, `int32`] * [`int64`, `int64`] * [`string`, `string`] * [`timestamp`, `timestamp`] ### function minute ```cpp minute() ``` **Description**: Return the minute for a timestamp. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select minute(timestamp(1590115420000)); -- output 43 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`int64`] * [`timestamp`] ### function month ```cpp month() ``` **Description**: Return the month part of a timestamp or date. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select month(timestamp(1590115420000)); -- output 5 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`date`] * [`int64`] * [`timestamp`] ### function nvl ```cpp nvl() ``` **Description**: If input is not null, return input value; else return default value. **Parameters**: * **input** Input value * **default** Default value if input is null **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT if_null("hello", "default"), if_null(NULL, "default"); -- output ["hello", "default"] ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`, `bool`] * [`date`, `date`] * [`double`, `double`] * [`float`, `float`] * [`int16`, `int16`] * [`int32`, `int32`] * [`int64`, `int64`] * [`string`, `string`] * [`timestamp`, `timestamp`] ### function nvl2 ```cpp nvl2() ``` **Description**: nvl2(expr1, expr2, expr3) - Returns expr2 if expr1 is not null, or expr3 otherwise. **Parameters**: * **expr1** Condition expression * **expr2** Return value if expr1 is not null * **expr3** Return value if expr1 is null **Since**: 0.2.3 Example: ```sql SELECT nvl2(NULL, 2, 1); -- output 1 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`, `bool`, `bool`] * [`bool`, `date`, `date`] * [`bool`, `double`, `double`] * [`bool`, `float`, `float`] * [`bool`, `int16`, `int16`] * [`bool`, `int32`, `int32`] * [`bool`, `int64`, `int64`] * [`bool`, `string`, `string`] * [`bool`, `timestamp`, `timestamp`] * [`date`, `bool`, `bool`] * [`date`, `date`, `date`] * [`date`, `double`, `double`] * [`date`, `float`, `float`] * [`date`, `int16`, `int16`] * [`date`, `int32`, `int32`] * [`date`, `int64`, `int64`] * [`date`, `string`, `string`] * [`date`, `timestamp`, `timestamp`] * [`number`, `bool`, `bool`] * [`number`, `date`, `date`] * [`number`, `double`, `double`] * [`number`, `float`, `float`] * [`number`, `int16`, `int16`] * [`number`, `int32`, `int32`] * [`number`, `int64`, `int64`] * [`number`, `string`, `string`] * [`number`, `timestamp`, `timestamp`] * [`string`, `bool`, `bool`] * [`string`, `date`, `date`] * [`string`, `double`, `double`] * [`string`, `float`, `float`] * [`string`, `int16`, `int16`] * [`string`, `int32`, `int32`] * [`string`, `int64`, `int64`] * [`string`, `string`, `string`] * [`string`, `timestamp`, `timestamp`] * [`timestamp`, `bool`, `bool`] * [`timestamp`, `date`, `date`] * [`timestamp`, `double`, `double`] * [`timestamp`, `float`, `float`] * [`timestamp`, `int16`, `int16`] * [`timestamp`, `int32`, `int32`] * [`timestamp`, `int64`, `int64`] * [`timestamp`, `string`, `string`] * [`timestamp`, `timestamp`, `timestamp`] ### function pow ```cpp pow() ``` **Description**: Return the value of expr1 to the power of expr2. **Parameters**: * **expr1** * **expr2** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT POW(2, 10); -- output 1024.000000 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`, `bool`] * [`bool`, `number`] * [`number`, `bool`] * [`number`, `number`] ### function power ```cpp power() ``` **Description**: Return the value of expr1 to the power of expr2. **Parameters**: * **expr1** * **expr2** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT POW(2, 10); -- output 1024.000000 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`, `bool`] * [`bool`, `number`] * [`number`, `bool`] * [`number`, `number`] ### function radians ```cpp radians() ``` **Description**: Returns the argument X, converted from degrees to radians. (Note that π radians equals 180 degrees.) **Since**: 0.6.0 Example: ```sql SELECT RADIANS(90); --output 1.570796326794896619231 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`double`] ### function replace ```cpp replace() ``` **Description**: replace(str, search[, replace]) - Replaces all occurrences of `search` with `replace` **Since**: 0.5.2 if replace is not given or is empty string, matched `search`s removed from final string Example: ```sql select replace("ABCabc", "abc", "ABC") -- output "ABCABC" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`, `string`] * [`string`, `string`, `string`] ### function reverse ```cpp reverse() ``` **Description**: Returns the reversed given string. **Since**: 0.4.0 Example: ```sql SELECT REVERSE('abc') as str1; --output "cba" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`] ### function round ```cpp round() ``` **Description**: Return the nearest integer value to expr (in floating-point format), rounding halfway cases away from zero, regardless of the current rounding mode. **Parameters**: * **expr** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT ROUND(1.23); -- output 1 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`] * [`number`] ### function second ```cpp second() ``` **Description**: Return the second for a timestamp. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select second(timestamp(1590115420000)); -- output 40 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`int64`] * [`timestamp`] ### function sin ```cpp sin() ``` **Description**: Return the sine of expr. **Parameters**: * **expr** It is a single argument in radians. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT SIN(0); -- output 0.000000 ``` * The value returned by [sin()](/reference/sql/functions_and_operators/Files/udfs_8h.md#function-sin) is always in the range: -1 to 1. **Supported Types**: * [`number`] ### function sqrt ```cpp sqrt() ``` **Description**: Return square root of expr. **Parameters**: * **expr** It is a single argument in radians. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT SQRT(100); -- output 10.000000 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`number`] ### function strcmp ```cpp strcmp() ``` **Description**: Returns 0 if the strings are the same, -1 if the first argument is smaller than the second according to the current sort order, and 1 otherwise. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select strcmp("text", "text1"); -- output -1 select strcmp("text1", "text"); -- output 1 select strcmp("text", "text"); -- output 0 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`, `string`] ### function string ```cpp string() ``` **Description**: Return string converted from numeric expression. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select string(123); -- output "123" select string(1.23); -- output "1.23" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`] * [`date`] * [`number`] * [`timestamp`] ### function substr ```cpp substr() ``` **Description**: Return a substring from string `str` starting at position `pos`. **Parameters**: * **str** * **pos** define the begining of the substring. **Since**: 0.1.0 Note: This function equals the `[substr()](/reference/sql/functions_and_operators/Files/udfs_8h.md#function-substr)` function. Example: ```sql select substr("hello world", 2); -- output "llo world" select substring("hello world", 2); -- output "llo world" ``` * If `pos` is positive, the begining of the substring is `pos` charactors from the start of string. * If `pos` is negative, the beginning of the substring is `pos` characters from the end of the string, rather than the beginning. **Supported Types**: * [`string`, `int32`] * [`string`, `int32`, `int32`] ### function substring ```cpp substring() ``` **Description**: Return a substring from string `str` starting at position `pos`. **Parameters**: * **str** * **pos** define the begining of the substring. **Since**: 0.1.0 Note: This function equals the `[substr()](/reference/sql/functions_and_operators/Files/udfs_8h.md#function-substr)` function. Example: ```sql select substr("hello world", 2); -- output "llo world" select substring("hello world", 2); -- output "llo world" ``` * If `pos` is positive, the begining of the substring is `pos` charactors from the start of string. * If `pos` is negative, the beginning of the substring is `pos` characters from the end of the string, rather than the beginning. **Supported Types**: * [`string`, `int32`] * [`string`, `int32`, `int32`] ### function sum ```cpp sum() ``` **Description**: Compute sum of values. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. Example: | value | | -------- | | 0 | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | ```sql SELECT sum(value) OVER w; -- output 10 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`] * [`list`] ### function sum_cate ```cpp sum_cate() ``` **Description**: Compute sum of values grouped by category key and output string. Each group is represented as 'K:V' and separated by comma in outputs and are sorted by key in ascend order. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **catagory** Specify catagory column to group by. Example: | value | catagory | | -------- | -------- | | 0 | x | | 1 | y | | 2 | x | | 3 | y | | 4 | x | ```sql SELECT sum_cate(value, catagory) OVER w; -- output "x:6,y:4" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] ### function sum_cate_where ```cpp sum_cate_where() ``` **Description**: Compute sum of values matching specified condition grouped by category key and output string. Each group is represented as 'K:V' and separated by comma in outputs and are sorted by key in ascend order. **Parameters**: * **catagory** Specify catagory column to group by. * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **condition** Specify condition column. Example: | value | condition | catagory | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 0 | true | x | | 1 | false | y | | 2 | false | x | | 3 | true | y | | 4 | true | x | ```sql SELECT sum_cate_where(catagory, value, condition) OVER w; -- output "x:4,y:3" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`] ### function sum_where ```cpp sum_where() ``` **Description**: Compute sum of values match specified condition. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **condition** Specify condition column. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: | value | | -------- | | 0 | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | ```sql SELECT sum_where(value, value > 2) OVER w; -- output 7 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`] ### function tan ```cpp tan() ``` **Description**: Return the tangent of expr. **Parameters**: * **expr** It is a single argument in radians. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT TAN(0); -- output 0.000000 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`number`] ### function timestamp ```cpp timestamp() ``` **Description**: Cast int64, date or string expression to timestamp. **Since**: 0.1.0 Supported string style: * yyyy-mm-dd * yyyymmdd * yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Example: ```sql select timestamp(1590115420000); -- output 2020-05-22 10:43:40 select date("2020-05-22"); -- output 2020-05-22 00:00:00 select timestamp("2020-05-22 10:43:40"); -- output 2020-05-22 10:43:40 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`date`] * [`string`] ### function top ```cpp top() ``` **Description**: Compute top k of values and output string separated by comma. The outputs are sorted in desc order. **Parameters**: * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **k** Fetch top n keys. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: | value | | -------- | | 0 | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | ```sql SELECT top(value, 3) OVER w; -- output "2,3,4" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`] ### function top_n_key_avg_cate_where ```cpp top_n_key_avg_cate_where() ``` **Description**: Compute average of values matching specified condition grouped by category key. Output string for top N keys in descend order. Each group is represented as 'K:V' and separated by comma. **Parameters**: * **catagory** Specify catagory column to group by. * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **condition** Specify condition column. * **n** Fetch top n keys. Example: | value | condition | catagory | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 0 | true | x | | 1 | false | y | | 2 | false | x | | 3 | true | y | | 4 | true | x | | 5 | true | z | | 6 | false | z | ```sql SELECT top_n_key_avg_cate_where(value, condition, catagory, 2) OVER w; -- output "z:5,y:3" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] ### function top_n_key_count_cate_where ```cpp top_n_key_count_cate_where() ``` **Description**: Compute count of values matching specified condition grouped by category key. Output string for top N keys in descend order. Each group is represented as 'K:V' and separated by comma. **Parameters**: * **catagory** Specify catagory column to group by. * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **condition** Specify condition column. * **n** Fetch top n keys. Example: | value | condition | catagory | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 0 | true | x | | 1 | true | y | | 2 | false | x | | 3 | true | y | | 4 | false | x | | 5 | true | z | | 6 | true | z | ```sql SELECT top_n_key_count_cate_where(value, condition, catagory, 2) OVER w; -- output "z:2,y:2" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] ### function top_n_key_max_cate_where ```cpp top_n_key_max_cate_where() ``` **Description**: Compute maximum of values matching specified condition grouped by category key. Output string for top N keys in descend order. Each group is represented as 'K:V' and separated by comma. **Parameters**: * **catagory** Specify catagory column to group by. * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **condition** Specify condition column. * **n** Fetch top n keys. Example: | value | condition | catagory | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 0 | true | x | | 1 | false | y | | 2 | false | x | | 3 | true | y | | 4 | true | x | | 5 | true | z | | 6 | false | z | ```sql SELECT top_n_key_max_cate_where(value, condition, catagory, 2) OVER w; -- output "z:5,y:3" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] ### function top_n_key_min_cate_where ```cpp top_n_key_min_cate_where() ``` **Description**: Compute minimum of values matching specified condition grouped by category key. Output string for top N keys in descend order. Each group is represented as 'K:V' and separated by comma. **Parameters**: * **catagory** Specify catagory column to group by. * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **condition** Specify condition column. * **n** Fetch top n keys. Example: | value | condition | catagory | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 0 | true | x | | 1 | true | y | | 2 | false | x | | 3 | true | y | | 4 | false | x | | 5 | true | z | | 6 | true | z | ```sql SELECT top_n_key_min_cate_where(value, condition, catagory, 2) OVER w; -- output "z:5,y:1" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] ### function top_n_key_sum_cate_where ```cpp top_n_key_sum_cate_where() ``` **Description**: Compute sum of values matching specified condition grouped by category key. Output string for top N keys in descend order. Each group is represented as 'K:V' and separated by comma. **Parameters**: * **catagory** Specify catagory column to group by. * **value** Specify value column to aggregate on. * **condition** Specify condition column. * **n** Fetch top n keys. Example: | value | condition | catagory | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 0 | true | x | | 1 | true | y | | 2 | false | x | | 3 | true | y | | 4 | false | x | | 5 | true | z | | 6 | true | z | ```sql SELECT top_n_key_sum_cate_where(value, condition, catagory, 2) OVER w; -- output "z:11,y:4" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] * [`list`, `list`, `list`, `list`] ### function truncate ```cpp truncate() ``` **Description**: Return the nearest integer that is not greater in magnitude than the expr. **Parameters**: * **expr** **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql SELECT TRUNCATE(1.23); -- output 1.0 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`bool`] * [`number`] ### function ucase ```cpp ucase() ``` **Description**: Convert all the characters to uppercase. Note that characters values > 127 are simply returned. **Since**: 0.4.0 Example: ```sql SELECT UCASE('Sql') as str1; --output "SQL" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`] ### function upper ```cpp upper() ``` **Description**: Convert all the characters to uppercase. Note that characters values > 127 are simply returned. **Since**: 0.4.0 Example: ```sql SELECT UCASE('Sql') as str1; --output "SQL" ``` **Supported Types**: * [`string`] ### function week ```cpp week() ``` **Description**: Return the week of year for a timestamp or date. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select weekofyear(timestamp(1590115420000)); -- output 21 select week(timestamp(1590115420000)); -- output 21 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`date`] * [`int64`] * [`timestamp`] ### function weekofyear ```cpp weekofyear() ``` **Description**: Return the week of year for a timestamp or date. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select weekofyear(timestamp(1590115420000)); -- output 21 select week(timestamp(1590115420000)); -- output 21 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`date`] * [`int64`] * [`timestamp`] ### function year ```cpp year() ``` **Description**: Return the year part of a timestamp or date. **Since**: 0.1.0 Example: ```sql select year(timestamp(1590115420000)); -- output 2020 ``` **Supported Types**: * [`date`] * [`int64`] * [`timestamp`]