# No-table SELECT The no-table Select statement computes the constant expression, and the computing does not depend on tables and columns. ## Syntax ```sql NoTableSelectClause ::= 'SELECT' SelectExprList SelectExprList ::= SelectExpr ( ',' SelectExpr )* SelectExpr ::= ( Identifier '.' ( Identifier '.' )? )? '*' | ( Expression | '{' Identifier Expression '}' ) ['AS' Identifier] ``` ## SQL Template ```sql SELECT const_expr [, const_expr ...]; ``` ## Description | `SELECT` Statement Elements | Offline Mode | Online Preview Mode | Online Request Mode | Note | |:----------------------------|--------------|---------------------|---------------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | No-table SELECT statement |**``✓``** |**``✓``** | | The no-table SELECT statement computes the constant expression operation list, and the computation does not depend on tables or columns | #### Examples SELECT constant literal ```sql SELECT 1, 1L, 1.0f, 2.0, 'Hello'; ``` SELECT constant expression ```sql SELECT 1+1, 1L + 1L, 1.0f - 1.0f, 2.0*2.0, 'Hello' LIKE 'He%'; ``` SELECT function expression ```sql SELECT substr("hello world", 3, 6); ```