The `LOAD DATA INFILE` statement load data efficiently from a file to a table. `LOAD DATA INFILE` is complementary to `SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE`. To export data from a table to a file, use [SELECT...INTO OUTFILE](../dql/SELECT_INTO_STATEMENT.md).
## Syntax
::= 'LOAD' 'DATA' 'INFILE' filePath 'INTO' 'TABLE' tableName LoadDataInfileOptionsList
::= URI
::= string_literal
::= 'OPTIONS' '(' LoadDataInfileOptionItem (',' LoadDataInfileOptionItem)* ')'
::= 'DELIMITER' '=' string_literal
|'HEADER' '=' bool_literal
|'NULL_VALUE' '=' string_literal
|'FORMAT' '=' string_literal
|'QUOTE' '=' string_literal
|'MODE' '=' string_literal
|'DEEP_COPY' '=' bool_literal
|'LOAD_MODE' '=' string_literal
|'THREAD' '=' int_literal
::= 'file://FilePathPattern'
::= string_literal
The `FilePathPattern` supports wildcard character `*`, with the same match rules as `ls FilePathPattern`.
Supports loading data from Hive, but needs extra settings, see [Hive Support](#Hive-support).
The following table introduces the parameters of `LOAD DATA INFILE`.
| Parameter | Type | Default Value | Note |
| ---------- | ------- | ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| delimiter | String | , | It defines the column separator, the default value is `,`. |
| header | Boolean | true | It indicates that whether the table to import has a header. If the value is `true`, the table has a header. |
| null_value | String | null | It defines the string that will be used to replace the `NULL` value when loading data. |
| format | String | csv | It defines the format of the input file.
`csv` is the default format.
`parquet` format is supported in the cluster version. |
| quote | String | " | It defines the string surrounding the input data. The string length should be <= 1.
load_mode='cluster': default is `"`, the content surrounded by a pair of the quote characters will be parsed as a whole. For example, if the surrounding string is `"#"` then the original data like `1, 1.0, #This is a string, with comma#, normal_string` will be converted to four fields. The first field is an integer 1, the second is a float 1.0, the third field is a string "This is a string, with comma" and the 4th is "normal_string" even it's no quote.
load_mode='local': default is `\0`, which means that the string surrounding the input data is empty. |
| mode | String | "error_if_exists" | It defines the input mode.
`error_if_exists` is the default mode which indicates that an error will be thrown out if the offline table already has data. This input mode is only supported by the offline execution mode.
`overwrite` indicates that if the file already exists, the data will overwrite the contents of the original file. This input mode is only supported by the offline execution mode.
`append` indicates that if the table already exists, the data will be appended to the original table. Both offline and online execution modes support this input mode. |
| deep_copy | Boolean | true | It defines whether `deep_copy` is used. Only offline load supports `deep_copy=false`, you can specify the `INFILE` path as the offline storage address of the table to avoid hard copy. |
| load_mode | String | cluster | `load_mode='local'` only supports loading the `csv` local files into the `online` storage; It loads the data synchronously by the client process.
`load_mode='cluster'` only supports the cluster version. It loads the data via Spark synchronously or asynchronously. |
| thread | Integer | 1 | It only works for data loading locally, i.e., `load_mode='local'` or in the standalone version; It defines the number of threads used for data loading. The max value is `50`. |
- In the cluster version, the specified execution mode (defined by `execute_mode`) determines whether to import data to online or offline storage when the `LOAD DATA INFILE` statement is executed. For the standalone version, there is no difference in storage mode and the `deep_copy` option is not supported.
- As metioned in the above table, online execution mode only supports append input mode.
- When `deep_copy=false`, OpenMLDB doesn't support to modify the data in the soft link. Therefore, if the current offline data comes from a soft link, `append` import is no longer supported. Moreover, if current connection is soft copy, using the hard copy with `overwrite` will not delete the data of the soft connection.
```{warning} INFILE Path
:class: warning
In the cluster version,if `load_mode='cluster'`,the reading of the `INFILE` path is done by a batch job. If it is a relative path, it needs to be an accessible path. However, in a production environment, the execution of batch jobs is usually scheduled by a yarn cluster. As a result, it is not deterministic that which batch job will actually perform the task. In a testing environment, if it's multi-machine deployment, it is also unable to determine where the batch job is running.
Therefore, you are suggested to use absolute paths. In the stand-alone version, the local file path starts with `file://`. In the production environment, it is recommended to use a file system such as *HDFS*.
## SQL Statement Template
LOAD DATA INFILE 'file_name' INTO TABLE 'table_name' OPTIONS (key = value, ...);
### Example
The following sql example imports data from a file `data.csv` into a table `t1` using online storage. `data.csv` uses `,` as the column separator.
set @@execute_mode='online';
LOAD DATA INFILE 'data.csv' INTO TABLE t1 OPTIONS( delimiter = ',' );
The following SQL example imports data from file `data.csv` into table `t1`. `data.csv` uses `,` as the column delimiter. The null value will be replaced by a string "NA".
LOAD DATA INFILE 'data.csv' INTO TABLE t1 OPTIONS( delimiter = ',', null_value='NA');
The following example shows an example of soft copy.
set @@execute_mode='offline';
LOAD DATA INFILE 'data_path' INTO TABLE t1 OPTIONS(deep_copy=false);
## Hive Support
### Hive Data Format
We support the Hive data format below,others are unsupported(e.g. Binary).
| OpenMLDB Data Format | Hive Data Format |
| -------------------- | ---------------- |
| INT | INT |
### Enable Hive Support
To support Hive, we need Hive dependencies and Hive conf.
#### Hive dependencies in Spark
[OpenMLDB Spark](../../../tutorial/openmldbspark_distribution.md) v0.6.7 and above have the Hive dependencies. If you use other Spark release, you should build Hive dependencies in spark, dependencies are in `assembly/target/scala-xx/jars`. Add them to Spark class path.
./build/mvn -Pyarn -Phive -Phive-thriftserver -DskipTests clean package
#### Hive Conf
We support connect Hive by metastore service.
- spark.conf
You can set `spark.hadoop.Hive.metastore.uris` in Spark conf.
- taskmanager.properties: add `spark.hadoop.Hive.metastore.uris=thrift://...` in `spark.default.conf`, then restart the taskmanager
- CLI: add it in ini conf, use `--spark_conf` to start the CLI, ref [Spark Client Configuration](../../client_config/client_spark_config.md).
- Hive-site.xml:
You can set `Hive.metastore.uris` in `Hive-site.xml` and add it to Spark home `conf/`.
The `Hive-site.xml` example:
URI for client to contact metastore server
## CSV Source Data Format
We support csv and parquet,but be careful with the csv format. Here is an example.
c1, c2
The first row in csv data is two blank values.
- cluster mode: `null`, whatever the null_value is.
- local mode: empty string, see [issue3015](https://github.com/4paradigm/OpenMLDB/issues/3015)。
The second row in csv data is two double quotation marks.
- cluster mode: default quote is`"`, so it's two empty strings.
- local mode: default quote is`\0`, so it's two strings of two double quotation marks. You can set quote to `"` in local mode,but escape rule is different with Spark, `""` means `"`,see[issue3015](https://github.com/4paradigm/OpenMLDB/issues/3015).