`SHOW TABLE STATUS` is used to show information about tables in a given database or all databases, excluding hidden databases.
If no database is used, `SHOW TABLE STATUS` will display information about all tables in all databases, excluding hidden databases.
If a database is specified, the statement will only display information about the tables in the given database.
`LIKE Pattern` is optional, which has the same semantics as the `LIKE` operation, and used to match the database name.
For example, `'%'` means all databases, including the hidden ones.
## Output Information
| Column | Note |
| ----------------- |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| Table_id | It shows the unique id of the table. |
| Table_name | It shows the name of the table. |
| Database_name | It shows the name of the database, which the table belongs to. |
| Storage_type | It shows the storage type of the table. There are three types of value: `memory`,`ssd` and `hdd`. |
| Rows | It shows the number of rows in this table. |
| Memory_data_size | It shows the memory usage of the table in bytes. |
| Disk_data_size | It shows the disk usage of the table in bytes. |
| Partition | It shows the number of partitons of the table. |
| Partition_unalive | It shows the number of the unalive partitions of the table. |
| Replica | It shows the number of replicas of the table. |
| Offline_path | It shows the path of the offline data for this table and is valid only for offline tables. The `NULL` value means the path is not set. |
| Offline_format | It shows the offline data format of the table and is valid only for offline tables. The `NULL` value means it is not set. |
| Offline_deep_copy | It indicates whether deep copy is used on the table and is valid only for offline tables. The `NULL` value means it is not set. |
| Warnings | Warnings related to the table, including the following four types:
1) `leader/follower mode inconsistent`: the leader/follower information from nameserver is not consistent with those in tablet
2) `state is kNotFound/kTableUndefined/kTableLoading`:the partition is unavailable, `kNotFound` means the partition does not exist; `kTableUndefined` means the partition is not loaded successfully; `kTableLoading` means the partition is being loaded
3) `real replica number xx does not match the configured replicanum xx`:the number of replicas != `replicanum`
4) `not connected to leader`:follower is not connected to the leader, which usually occurs together with 3) |
## Example
> USE db;
--SUCCEED: Database changed
---------- ------------ --------------- -------------- ------ ------------------ ---------------- ----------- ------------------- --------- -------------- ---------------- ------------------- ----------
Table_id Table_name Database_name Storage_type Rows Memory_data_size Disk_data_size Partition Partition_unalive Replica Offline_path Offline_format Offline_deep_copy Warnings
---------- ------------ --------------- -------------- ------ ------------------ ---------------- ----------- ------------------- --------- -------------- ---------------- ------------------- ----------
6 t1 db memory 2 479 0 8 0 3 NULL NULL NULL
---------- ------------ --------------- -------------- ------ ------------------ ---------------- ----------- ------------------- --------- -------------- ---------------- ------------------- ----------